Nov 29, 2016 | Goals, Life
Why you should adjust your lens on life to feel happier. The words “life is in session” came from a movie that I watched over the holiday weekend. The words have been stuck in my mind since. I had been thinking about expectations and how having expectations can affect...
Nov 8, 2016 | Goals, Mental Health
Growth mindset is the the idea that we can grow our brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems. A long time client recently said to me “I love that you’re always enterprising.” It is probably one of the best compliments that I’ve ever gotten. Enterprising...
Oct 17, 2016 | Life, Stories
What “life is a journey” means and why it’s important. I was reminded of my Rainer expedition in 2000 called The Journey when I heard Tony Robbins speak at Dreamforce this year. The climb was used as a metaphor for life and designed to teach...
Oct 16, 2016 | Activities, Goals
How to nudge yourself towards your goals. Go big or go home is not always the best mantra to use. Learn how to nudge yourself forward by taking a single step. Years ago I bought a bike to go on a cycling date. It was a bold move but cycling was...
Jun 10, 2016 | Prevention
Learn the science of corporate wellness programs. During the recent FitBit Captivate conference, it dawned on me that some might think corporate wellness programs are a little too weird to participate. The typical corporate wellness program typically...