Three ways to reduce your risk for tennis elbow.

Three ways to reduce your risk for tennis elbow.

Tennis elbow is an injury caused by repetitive use. Tennis elbow [aka: lateral epicondylitis] is a repetitive use injury. Any job or sport that requires a single movement over and over puts you at higher risk for an overuse injury. If your job requires repetitive...
Five healthy ways to cope with the stress in your life

Five healthy ways to cope with the stress in your life

How you cope with your stress determines how much it affects your health. Stress can be caused by any major life event or other change such as a move, a change in your martial status, death of someone you love, a new job or a job that just isn’t a good fit. Many...
Four workouts to enhance the health of your skin.

Four workouts to enhance the health of your skin.

Good skin starts with the right workout and ends with good care. Exercise increases your blood flow which helps to deliver nutrients to your cells and remove waste. All types of exercise will deliver the benefit but how and when you exercise can also affect the health...
Where do you want to be two years from now?

Where do you want to be two years from now?

Cultivating self awareness can help you plan your journey. It was a question posed to me recently and it just seemed like a question worthy of a good answer. Why? Two years seems like the perfect amount of time to achieve something meaningful. I also happen to be...
Do you need help diagnosing your rash or skin issue?

Do you need help diagnosing your rash or skin issue?

Digital solutuions to help diagnose your skin issue.   Nothing puts a damper on summer fun more quickly than a skin issue. Heat, sun exposure, allergies, bugs, jacuzzis, pools and water parks all increase your risk of getting a rash or fungal infection during the...
Five short workouts to keep your hips feeling good.

Five short workouts to keep your hips feeling good.

Hips need to be strengthened and stretched often.   A colleague talked to me about needing a hip replacement within the next 5-10 years. After our conversation, I did a little research about how to prevent injury and minimize the impact of wear and tear that...
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