Should you invest in a new wellness tracker?

Should you invest in a new wellness tracker?

Track your lifestyle to manage your medical risk.   A recent article about wellness trackers identifying the early signs of Covid19 infection caught my attention. The risk of contracting Covid19 is decreasing as more people get vaccinated. However, public health...
Four things to check before you head out to play.

Four things to check before you head out to play.

Get your gear ready for use this summer.   The long days and warm weather are probably motivating you to play more. Whether you play tennis, golf, cycle or do something else for fun, it’s a good idea to check your gear now.   Four tips to ensure your gear is...
Why are fundamental changes so hard to make?

Why are fundamental changes so hard to make?

Fundamental changes require a different lens.   I host the Healthcare Office Hours for a new global startup community. It’s given me the opportunity to talk with entrepreneurs from all over the world. One of which is a former Professor of Psychology and Founder...
Should you add protein powder to your diet?

Should you add protein powder to your diet?

Age, sex and activity level effects your protein need.   With so much focus on high protein diets, it makes you wonder how much protein you really need and whether you’re getting enough.   The answer is not clear. There is research underway to determine...
Should you try an intermittent fasting program?

Should you try an intermittent fasting program?

Fasting is about timing more than calorie restriction. The word fasting makes me think of trendy diets that help followers loose weight quickly but are either hard to follow and/or hard to stick with. The fasting process described in Intuitive Fasting is a little...
Three questions to ask someone in need of help.

Three questions to ask someone in need of help.

Listen to the need before you offer help. If you take pride in being strong and independent, asking for help is especially hard. Revealing the cracks in your armor as one of my startup colleague recently commented takes courage. Many people only share the positive...
Three things that you can do to improve your sleep.

Three things that you can do to improve your sleep.

Health and lifestyle effects the quality of your sleep.   Medical experts are talking more about the importance of sleep because it effects your short term performance and may also effect your long term health. In the short term, poor sleep can effect your energy...
Three things to do now to reset your post Covid life.

Three things to do now to reset your post Covid life.

Post Covid life presents an opportunity to reset.   The doors to our Post Covid lives are about to open. The question now is do you pick up right where you left off prior to Covid or do you reset to a new Post Covid life? The second virtual Goop Health event was...
Ten things that get in the way of joy and happiness.

Ten things that get in the way of joy and happiness.

Authenticity helps cultivate more joy and happiness.   Several startup founders that I mentor are working on mental health solutions. I was talking with one of the founders about reconciling authentic versus aspirational self when a member of the group asked us...
Five ways to enhance your self-care routines.

Five ways to enhance your self-care routines.

Why self-care routines require continual refinement.   I scaled back my schedule last week and took extra time for self-care. Most people don’t usually look forward to seeing their dentist but any outing counts as an event right now. Taking care of your teeth...
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