Manifesting what you want requires clarity and alignment.

Often we know what we don’t want in life. It’s easier to say yes or no to something you’ve seen, heard or experienced. Knowing what we want on the other hand is a little trickier because it requires some imagination to gain clarity.

A vision is just a representation of something that you want to achieve or cultivate in your life and a process for achieving it. Without a vision, it’s hard to develop meaningful goals because you don’t know what the end result should be.

People who have a vision for their life usually got some sort of glimpse at what they wanted or wanted to do. The glimpse may have been as simple as a picture or a speech or any interaction with others that sparked their interest. That simple spark led them down a path of discovery.

So how do you develop your vision?

Start by thinking about something you want to improve, something you want to experience or something you want to achieve in your life.

1/ Picture what you want in detail [aka: Head]

If you are drawing a blank, find something to stimulate your imagination. That something could be magazines, a book on a topic or place of interest, an online course or meetup with people doing something new or interesting to you.

Once you find your spark of inspiration, start describing the details of what you see when you think about it. Ask yourself questions …Is the vision important? Why? How will it impact your life? How will it impact the lives of others? Keep going until you uncover and understand your goals for the vision.

2/ Notice how your vision makes you feel [aka: Heart]

Listen to your language and notice how you feel when you talk about your vision. If your heart is in it, you’ll feel deeply about it and believe that it is possible. Ask yourself questions…What do you like about the vision? Why do you feel motivated by it? What will it feel like to accomplish your goal? Does it just feel right?

Your heart knows what it likes. If your heart isn’t on board with the vision, your health may suffer if you go for it. Discrepancies between your head and heart reportedly result in stress and burnout and can effects your level of happiness.

3/ Think about your skills and abilities [aka: Hand]

Think about the skills and abilities that you have now versus what you need to achieve the vision. Is there a gap in your skills and abilities? If so, what do you need to close the gap? How long will it take to close the gap?

Do the research to figure out whether you need formal education, training, coaching, mentoring and how long it will take so that you can figure out the steps to your plan.

Your vision becomes reality

Your vision becomes a reality when your head, heart and hand are aligned. Be patient with the process because the result is worth the effort.

When your head, heart and hand align you also experience a state of flow.  Flow is a state of being fully engaged in something that you find important and enjoyable and are skilled at doing. Work almost becomes effortless.


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