How to make the present moment your friend.

How to make the present moment your friend.

The present moment is your friend not your enemy. I am reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Toile. The title and the fact that the book is on Oprah’s top 10 reading list is why I decided to read it. For one reason or another most people are struggling with the added...
Does having a regular massage improve your health?

Does having a regular massage improve your health?

Massage may have similar benefits as exercise.   The list of potential health benefits of massage beyond the perceived benefits of human touch is long but the science is not clear.   People enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort...
Five types of yoga poses that will enhance your health.

Five types of yoga poses that will enhance your health.

Open your heart, calm your mind and reduce pain. There are a lot of aspiring yogis sitting on the side lines. In fact, 47% of them are men. If you’re one of them, this post just might convince you to give yoga a try. Practicing yogis will also find the post...
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