Do you love or dread Mondays?

Do you love or dread Mondays?

Learn to love Mondays more than Fridays.   If you don’t love Mondays, something is wrong. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Most people prefer Friday over Monday because they don’t love their job.    It’s a problem for both you and employers but there is a...
How would you change your life if it was extended 50 years?

How would you change your life if it was extended 50 years?

A new pill that could extend your life by 50 years. Think about how it could change your life. If you ask people in their 40’s and 50’s if they would like to live life over, most will say — only if I can take everything that I’ve learned about life with me back to the...
Automation is changing the way people work and get rewarded

Automation is changing the way people work and get rewarded

Learn what you should be doing now as automation changes the way people work and get rewarded. According to a recent Bain & Company report 40 million jobs [25-30% of US jobs] will be automated within the next decade. White color jobs are not immune from...
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