Five tips to help you complete the Veganuary challenge.

Five tips to help you complete the Veganuary challenge.

Veganuary is a challenge to eat a plant based diet.   Veganuary is one of the best things that you can do for your health because it could change your diet, health and life for the better. If you’re not convinced, watch this Ted Talk with anesthesiologist Dr....
How to keep your immune system balanced and healthy.

How to keep your immune system balanced and healthy.

Lifestyle and genetics affect your immune system.   According to the book, An Elegant Defense your immune system is largely affected by lifestyle and genetics. In addition to your lifestyle and genetics, societal changes and modern advances also effect your...
Five cookbooks to help you transition to a plant based diet.

Five cookbooks to help you transition to a plant based diet.

Incorporate plant based foods into your diet slowly.   Before you eliminate whole food groups from your diet, think about how you currently eat and how many changes your desired diets will require.   There are different types of plant based diets and some...
Four tips that will make you feel and look ageless.

Four tips that will make you feel and look ageless.

Be a person whose age cannot be defined   Ageless describes a person or thing whose age cannot be defined, is non-existent, or appears not to change. If you’re looking for ways to preserve your youthful skin and body, these four tips from Zelnick Straus author of...
Can trendy diets help you lose weight and improve your health?

Can trendy diets help you lose weight and improve your health?

Radical changes to your diet rarely improve health. Trendy diets are a tempting way to drop unwanted pounds especially when bathing suit season is looming. Before you try a new diet, do your research. Fad diets rarely deliver what they promise and can actually do more...
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