Why you should lead with gratitude.

Why you should lead with gratitude.

Expressing gratitude can make you feel happier. If you’ve been following along, I started the WSJ Heathy Habit Challenge last month which is wrapping up this week with acts of kindness. Similar to a gratitude practice, regular acts of kindness can make you feel...
Is your new year motivation already waning?

Is your new year motivation already waning?

Your plan not your motivation might be the issue.   If your new year motivation is already waning, you might want to pick up the book, Howard’s Gift which is full of good insights from Howard Stevenson, Harvard Professor Emeritus for living a successful life. ...
Three questions to ask someone in need of help.

Three questions to ask someone in need of help.

Listen to the need before you offer help. If you take pride in being strong and independent, asking for help is especially hard. Revealing the cracks in your armor as one of my startup colleague recently commented takes courage. Many people only share the positive...
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