Good alignment helps to keep your joints pain free.

Good alignment helps to keep your joints pain free.

How good alignment keeps your joints healthy.   Good alignment is when your body is in correct or appropriate relative positions. Proper alignment makes your body stronger and easier to move. In fact, hips that are properly aligned can safely support 8x your body...
Four common misalignments and how to correct them.

Four common misalignments and how to correct them.

Pilates can help you correct typical misalignments.    One of the benefits of Pilates is that it can help you correct common misalignments. If you’re trying to make the corrections on your own, start by identifying the parts that need to be realigned. Facing...
Five short workouts to keep your hips feeling good.

Five short workouts to keep your hips feeling good.

Hips need to be strengthened and stretched often.   A colleague talked to me about needing a hip replacement within the next 5-10 years. After our conversation, I did a little research about how to prevent injury and minimize the impact of wear and tear that...
Visualize your future self to adopt healthy habits now.

Visualize your future self to adopt healthy habits now.

Picture your future self to live healthier and happier.    Visualizing works.  One day I was flipping through fitness magazines at my favorite book store and saw the picture of an 80 year old speed walker. She looked fantastic – not fantastic for an 80 year...
Shannon Smith Living

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