Five insights for your fall trip to Banff and Lake Louise.

Five insights for your fall trip to Banff and Lake Louise.

Planning for your fall trip to Banff and Lake Louise.   A fall trip to Banff and Lake Louise can be really beautiful. The crowds have thinned and the weather is generally still sunny and warm. If your travel schedule is flexible, book last minute to factor the...
Six types of exercise to keep your bones strong.

Six types of exercise to keep your bones strong.

Do more than one type of exercise to keep your bones strong.    According to Harvard Health, combining high impact aerobic activities and strength training is more effective for building bone in the hip and spine than resistance training alone. Pilates has the...
Seven hiking essentials to get before you hit the trails.

Seven hiking essentials to get before you hit the trails.

The right gear makes hiking enjoyable and safe.   Hiking is a good summer activity and bone density builder. Even if you’re planning to do day hikes and to stick to the beaten paths, it’s always good to be prepared for the unexpected. If you’re inspired by...
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