Learn how The Wellbeing Blog can help you live well.

Learn how The Wellbeing Blog can help you live well.

Get reliable insights to enhance your wellbeing.   Take a few minutes now to learn how the blog is organized, what’s covered and how to connect with others in the community to derive the most benefit.   How the blog is organized   The Wellbeing...
Change your mindset to be more successful in life.

Change your mindset to be more successful in life.

Growth mindset is the the idea that we can grow our brain’s capacity to learn and to solve problems. A long time client recently said to me “I love that you’re always enterprising.” It is probably one of the best compliments that I’ve ever gotten. Enterprising...
Learn how sports can help you overcome your fear.

Learn how sports can help you overcome your fear.

How overcoming your fear can change your outlook.   I’d like to share a story about how cycling gave me the courage to overcome my own fear. We all experience fear in life. In our minds we tend to think of the worst case scenario so we do everything possible to...
Shannon Smith Living

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