The simple rules for thriving even when you’re stressed.

The simple rules for thriving even when you’re stressed.

A science based framework for managing stress.   Stress is a leading cause of disease. It surfaced in my research into autoimmune diseases which is why I needed to do a deeper dive. What resulted are the scientific insights needed to develop the simple rules for...
How to keep your immune system balanced and healthy.

How to keep your immune system balanced and healthy.

Lifestyle and genetics affect your immune system.   According to the book, An Elegant Defense your immune system is largely affected by lifestyle and genetics. In addition to your lifestyle and genetics, societal changes and modern advances also effect your...
How to apply simple rules to live a healthier life.

How to apply simple rules to live a healthier life.

Learn to use rule to make better life decisions.   Simple rules are used by the leaders in startups, leading edge companies, governments which is why the book caught my attention. Even if you don’t like rules, simple rule can help you too.  What are simple rules?...
Four healthy ways to increase your control of life.

Four healthy ways to increase your control of life.

Learn how to develop a healthy need for control.   Start by taking a test to determine whether or not your need for control is in the healthy range. Understandig your level of contrl is important because the way we respond when we don’t get what we want or how we...
Shannon Smith Living

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