How to maintain your Pilates body as you age.

How to maintain your Pilates body as you age.

Change your lifestyle to change how your body ages.   We have the potential to live longer and healthier than ever before. It is completely possible to maintain your Pilates body despite your biology. However, it requires some mindfulness, discipline and time...
Four healthy ways to increase your control of life.

Four healthy ways to increase your control of life.

Learn how to develop a healthy need for control.   Start by taking a test to determine whether or not your need for control is in the healthy range. Understandig your level of contrl is important because the way we respond when we don’t get what we want or how we...
Three fresh ideas to manage your wellbeing this winter.

Three fresh ideas to manage your wellbeing this winter.

New ideas for surviving and thriving this winter.   Just when you thought the end of the lockdown is near, fall arrives and the risk of coronavirus increases. For many of us that means more days inside on zoom meetings, more virtual parties, more grocery...
What are phytonutrients and why do you need them?

What are phytonutrients and why do you need them?

Phytonutrients are essential nutrients for health   Phytonutrients help keep your free radicals in check which is important. Free radicals exist in your body and depending on how much you have, can be both good and bad.    Two ways to keep your free radicals...
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