How to live healthier and happier next year and beyond.

How to live healthier and happier next year and beyond.

Live healthier and happier next year and beyond. The end of the year is near and my inbox is filling with study results and news that will help everyone live healthier and happier next year and beyond. Notable studies   1/ Women may realize health benefits of...
Why you should reduce your lifestyle risk now.

Why you should reduce your lifestyle risk now.

What is Lifestyle Risk? “Personal behaviors or choices that can increase a person’s chance of developing a disease. Lifestyle risk factors can often be avoided, controlled or changed to reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as cancer, diabetes, obesity and heart...
How acceptance helps you move forward productively.

How acceptance helps you move forward productively.

Start with acceptance to move forward productively. Let me start by sharing what acceptance is not so that you’re more open to the idea. Acceptance is not a label or prediction of your future. It is simply the present state and your willingness to accept it as is...
Why the Mediterranean Diet is healthiest and accessible.

Why the Mediterranean Diet is healthiest and accessible.

The healthiest diet is also a very accessible diet.   The Mediterranean Diet is the healthiest for preventing cardiovascular disease and more accessible than what you might realize. According to the National Institute of Health [NIH], the diet helps to prevent...
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