Why you should examine your views in times of crisis.

Why you should examine your views in times of crisis.

Books that I’m reading to help reexamine my views. To create change, we have to reexamine our own views and actions in light of a pain that is deeply felt but too often ignored.  ~ Tim Cook, CEO of Apple The need to “reexamine our own views” are probably some of...
Five key steps to make an Extreme Transformation.

Five key steps to make an Extreme Transformation.

Learn how to apply five key steps from Extreme Transformation.  I read Extreme Transformation: Lifelong Weight Loss in 21 Days during the holidays and realized many of the principles could apply to any type of transformation. I recommend reading the book and...
Are your habits limiting your success?

Are your habits limiting your success?

Your habits are the key to your success in life. A habit is something you do when triggered by something when you crave the reward. The Anatomy of a Habit A habit has four (4) parts. Once you understand the parts, you can change any habits that is limiting your...
Pilates & | Balanced Body Pilates Mat Classes

Community Mat



Coal Harbour Community Center Balanced Body Pilates Mat Classes   Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday Register



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Mind Body Self-Care Workshop

Online Workshop

Mind & Body Self-Care Workshop

Sept 13 - Oct 18 | 6 Weeks

11 AM - 12 PM Pacific 

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