Props improve form and increase the challenge.


 If you’re new to Pilates, props will offer support. I’ll often add them into a class after I see how people move. Working in proper alignment is hard especially if your body has been conditioned for a particular sport, if you have a congenital or a physical abnormality. Abnormalities are very common as we age because your abnormalities reflect your life.


Props are also a good way to simulate the benefits of Pilates equipment and increase the challenge of the workout. If you’re planning to participate in classes and/or on demand sessions, you should invest in a few props. I’ve included links to help compile your shopping as well as a wishlist of things that might be nice to add as your practice evolves.


1/ Mats


If your exercise space is carpeted, a yoga mat may be sufficient. Otherwise investing in a thicker mat is advisable because it will help protect your spine. Pilates mats are thicker and more expensive than basic exercise mats but may last longer with proper care. The floor, the props and the exercise dictates the right mat.


2/ Therabands


There are many different bands available, but I recommend buying a roll of Theraband in the weight you want because the length matters. For most people, the band needs to be at least 6 feet long and even longer if you’re tall. There are two weights that I mainly use: Blue and Red. The blue provides more support and resistance than the red. Men typically prefer the blue for the support during flexibility exercises and resistance for strength building.


3/ Pilates Balls


There are several different sizes commonly used in Pilates but I mainly use the small balls in my classes. Purchasing one is good but two will make it easier to incorporate into your workouts. You won’t have to inflate/deflate your ball for different exercises. If you’re tall, a slightly larger exercise ball may feel better and enable better alignment.


4/ Weights


I often incorporate 2 pound hand weights to increase the intensity of the arm work and to increase the challenge of core work. Using a different weight is fine. However, even if you’re really strong, I wouldn’t use more than 3 pounds to avoid compromising your form. For more insights on the different types of weights [balls and wrist], watch the short called Weights for Pilates mat.


5/ Pilates Ring


There are a lot of different types of rings available at different price points. The Amazon basic ring will do the trick unless you want to spurge. Add a small ring to your wishlist.


6/ Roller


As with most of the other props, there are different rollers at different price points. The roller should be long enough to support your head, spine and pelvis when lying on your back. The density matters too. Really firm rollers will add challenge to some exercises but may not be comfortable when lying on your back or rolling over tight muscles. Keep your pain tolerance and weight in mind when choosing a roller.


7/ Franklin Method Balls


The Franklin Method Tectured Balls are routinely used in my Community Mat classes mainly for stretching the feet and strengthening the ankle joint. Regular rolling and stretching helps to reduce cramping and makes your foot function better.


These are the props that are core to Pilates and ones that I’ll stick with so that your home doesn’t start looking like a studio. When you travel, pack a band and ball. The other props are often available at hotels. If you have questions, please use the Contact Us form below.


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