Think carefully before you make your wish.
Your birthday is the perfect time to set some intentions that will make your wish come true.
What are intentions?
Intentions are similar to goals but without a specific measurement attached to the outcome. For some the idea of intentions might conjure up the old adage that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. However, the path to reaching most goals in life is often more like a mountain trail rather than a paved sidewalk. We wouldn’t be human if our commitment didn’t wax and wane with all the twists and turns and peaks and valleys in the path. Intentions factor in the long and twisty path and allow for less than perfect behavior so that we stay the course no matter what.
Birthday Intentions?
You might be wondering where I got the idea of birthday intensions. Years ago I attended a New Year’s Day yoga workshop designed to help us set intentions rather than resolutions for the year. Intentions allowed us to say what we wanted to accomplish and experience in life rather than setting a bunch of resolutions.
There is nothing wrong with setting resolutions if they work for you. However, the absolute nature of a resolution seems to set people up for failure. That’s why gyms are packed in January but back to normal participation levels by spring.
My new year intentions have evolved to birthday intentions over time largely because I receive a birthday gift of a free workout from a local studio every year. It is something that I love receiving and appreciate so much. It reminds me to take time out and reflect on my life, health and priorities.
Our bodies and minds are the vehicles for life and with age – well, let’s just say things need to change in order to have the strength, stamina and courage to continue the journey.
Life is a Journey.
I can say with certainty that life is a journey. Years ago I climbed Mount Rainer, the most technical climb in the lower 48 states, to learn that very lesson. As group, we trained, we learned, we prepared, we visualized and then we climbed.
For the most part, everyone takes the same path but not everyone climbs in the same conditions or with the same constraints in terms of time, knowledge and resources – all of which vary the duration and difficulty for each climber. So take your journey through life one step at a time and do whatever you need to do to keep a lightness in your heart. Life is not a sprint, race or competition.
Set your intentions and enjoy the journey!
Give yourself permission to dream, courage to follow the path, strength to overcome obstacles and compassion for yourself and others along the way.
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