Outdoor activities for an enjoyable long weekend.


Getting outside for sunshine, fresh air and exercise makes people happy. So make some time over the long weekend to enjoy the great outdoors. You’ll have fun and burn calories.


Five suggestions of things to do outside.

1/ Head to the beach.

There is no better way to end the summer than with a day at the beach playing in the waves, walking the shore and playing a little frisbee with a friend. Add a nice cookout to make it a full day.

2/ Go for a day hike.

Lace up the sneakers and hit the trails with a friend or meetup group. Getting out of the city will make the day feel almost like a mini-vacation. If you are pressed for time, go for a long city walk to explore a new neighborhood. Stop for coffee and lunch along the way or take a picnic with you and enjoy one of the parks.

3/ Join a ride.

Many local bike shops and sporting good stores offer organized rides on the weekend. If you don’t have a bike, rent one from the shop so that you get the store credit to purchase a bike later. If you don’t enjoy it, no big deal. You’ll still have gotten a great workout and all the benefits of being outside for the price of the rental.

4/ Pick up a game of tennis.

Purchase a day pass at a tennis club or go to the public courts for a pick up game. There’s usually someone looking to play. Don’t forget to watch the US Open and pick up tips from the pros.

5/ Try a water sport.

Head out to a lake or ocean cove for a little paddle boarding, kayaking, canoeing, water skiing or surfing. Most of the gear can be rented for the day from local shops. Opt for the lesson unless you are going with someone who knows what they’re doing. It’s better to be safe than sorry. 

Best advice:


It’s never too late to try something new. Just remember to take it slowly so that you don’t over do it the first time out. An injury or bad experience can be discouraging and you’re more likely to get injured if you overdo it.


Pilates is a great way to condition your body to ensure that you have the strength, flexibility and stamina needed to support you in the activity and to help prevent injuries.

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