How to modify your Pilates practice for back pain. The latest research supports the benefits of exercise for overcoming back pain. Pilates can be particularly beneficial because it strengthens the core muscles needed to support your back and promotes balanced...
Use the Pilates principles to enhance your practice. The Pilates principles can help you develop body awareness, good form and a broader understanding of the practice. Keeping the principles in mind will help you build the strength, flexibility and the...
Props improve form and increase the challenge. If you’re new to Pilates, props will offer support. I’ll often add them into a class after I see how people move. Working in proper alignment is hard especially if your body has been conditioned for a...
Hips need to be strengthened and stretched often. A colleague talked to me about needing a hip replacement within the next 5-10 years. After our conversation, I did a little research about how to prevent injury and minimize the impact of wear and tear that...
Insights and tips for starting a Pilates practice. Pilates was developed by Joseph Pilates and has since evolved into many different styles referred to as modern or contemporary Pilates. Given the variety of styles being taught, it’s difficult to say exactly what you...