Five ways to eat your veggies in the fall and winter. One of the best things you can do to maintain a healthy weight is to eat your vegetables. Admittedly, it feels harder to do in the winter when the farmer’s markets have closed and the produce is less...
Items to refresh and donate while spring cleaning. With so much time spent sheltered-in-place last year, your home likely needs a big refresh. I’ve been researching the average useful life of many household items lately to figure out which items need to be deep...
Age, sex and activity level effects your protein need. With so much focus on high protein diets, it makes you wonder how much protein you really need and whether you’re getting enough. The answer is not clear. There is research underway to determine...
Fasting is about timing more than calorie restriction. The word fasting makes me think of trendy diets that help followers loose weight quickly but are either hard to follow and/or hard to stick with. The fasting process described in Intuitive Fasting is a little...
Health and lifestyle effects the quality of your sleep. Medical experts are talking more about the importance of sleep because it effects your short term performance and may also effect your long term health. In the short term, poor sleep can effect your energy...
Incorporate plant based foods into your diet slowly. Before you eliminate whole food groups from your diet, think about how you currently eat and how many changes your desired diets will require. There are different types of plant based diets and some...