Get tips and short workouts to keep you limber and healthy
Get stretching tips and short workouts to help you to keep your joints healthy and your muscles limber now and for years to come. Hip openers are routinely requested in our yoga practice so this week we’ve been sharing some of our favorite mini-workouts on Facebook...
Five golden rules for healthy eating that anyone can follow.
Five simple rules for healthy eating. Our five golden rules for healthy eating that are simple enough that anyone can incorporate them into their lifestyle without much effort. Here’s why. Fad diets don’t provide lasting results. If you...
Tips to get you started if you’re planning to try yoga.
Start your yoga practice with no expectation. Has anyone ever suggested that you try yoga? So many people love it so it wouldn’t be a surprise to us if someone suggested you try it. There is really no one right way to start. The only thing that you need to...
Four ways to enhance your form and maximize results.
Good form is essential to prevent injury and maximize results. Good form is about using the right muscles and alignment to prevent injuries and to get the maximum benefit from exercise. It doesn’t matter how fast you go, how much weight you can lift or whether you can...