Jun 20, 2018 | Food, Prevention
Consider your reasons and the alternative sources calcium. Dairy always seems to make the list of things to limit or eliminate in fad diets. It’s hard to know what to do because the science isn’t clear. What is clear is that many Americans are not getting...
Jun 13, 2018 | Prevention, Work
Tennis elbow is an injury caused by repetitive use. Tennis elbow [aka: lateral epicondylitis] is a repetitive use injury. Any job or sport that requires a single movement over and over puts you at higher risk for an overuse injury. If your job requires repetitive...
Jun 5, 2018 | Prevention, Savings
The new terms reflect how healthcare is changing to keep you healthy. The changes underway in healthcare are surfacing a lot of new terms for consumers and for some, it’s adding confusion and more complexity to an already complex topic. An article was shard...
Jun 1, 2018 | Prevention, Workouts
Good skin starts with the right workout and ends with good care. Exercise increases your blood flow which helps to deliver nutrients to your cells and remove waste. All types of exercise will deliver the benefit but how and when you exercise can also affect the health...
May 18, 2018 | Prevention, Savings
Genetic testing are being use in clinical care now and will be used more so in the future. Have you been sitting on the side lines of genetic testing wondering whether you should do it or not? You’re not alone. Some believe not knowing is better if they...
May 17, 2018 | Pilates, Prevention
Hips need to be strengthened and stretched often. A colleague talked to me about needing a hip replacement within the next 5-10 years. After our conversation, I did a little research about how to prevent injury and minimize the impact of wear and tear that...