Jul 9, 2018 | Prevention, Workouts
Exercise prevents and relieves musculoskeletal conditions. Chronic musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis, joint disorders and back pain are very common and some of the biggest cost drivers of the US healthcare system. Exercise is one of the most...
Jul 6, 2018 | Goals, Mental Health
Laziness is the biggest obstacle in meditation. The benefits of meditation are enough to make anyone want to try it. However, the thought of squeezing even one more thing into your calendar may the reason you’re putting it off. Did you know that over scheduling...
Jun 29, 2018 | Insurance, Prevention
Medical risk is the hot potato in healthcare that gets passed around. I used the analogy of the hot potato game when I published Let’s Change the Game back in March 2016 to explain healthcare and the underlying problem — medical risk. I was reminded of it...
Jun 26, 2018 | Prevention, Work
Make the most of your Corporate wellness program. There seems to be a perception that corporate wellness doesn’t work. We’ve been dialoguing with colleagues about it on LinkedIn. Feel free to join the conversation or send us an email. Summary of the common...
Jun 24, 2018 | Prevention, Workouts
Massage may have similar benefits as exercise. The list of potential health benefits of massage beyond the perceived benefits of human touch is long but the science is not clear. People enjoy massage because it often produces feelings of caring, comfort...
Jun 20, 2018 | Food, Prevention
Consider your reasons and the alternative sources calcium. Dairy always seems to make the list of things to limit or eliminate in fad diets. It’s hard to know what to do because the science isn’t clear. What is clear is that many Americans are not getting...