Why exercise is the golden bullet of medicine.
According to Dr. Nick Guldemond, Professor of Healthcare and Public Health with the Leiden University Medical Center, the best medicine already exists. It’s available everywhere without prescription, it has no harmful side effect and it’s even safe for children. What is it? It’s exercise.
If you exercise regularly, you are experiencing the benefits but may not be aware of all the health benefits. If you’re not keen on exercise, the health benefits may be motivation enough to make you start.
Ten health benefits of exercise
1/ Makes you happy
2/ Sharpens your mind
3/ Increases self confidence and resilience
4/ Enlarges intellectual capacities
5/ Reduces rear, stress and depression
6/ Increases muscle strength and stamina
7/ Lowers blood pressure & cholesterol
8/ Controls body weight
9/ Improves physical appearance
10/ Extends life
The cost of inaction
According to the new book The Power of Regret by Daniel Pink, inaction regrets are the hardest because they can’t be easily corrected and the outcome can’t be positively reframed. Living a life without exercise for many is an inaction regret later in life.
It’s never too late to start exercising but if you don’t start the consequences of inactivity will negatively impact your health. The financial impact will feel like an insult to injury. Drug prices are increasing and the cost of healthcare is increasing because too many people are ignoring the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle.
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